How do we know God is real and genuinely loves us? We find these answers by examining the Fundamental Questions of Christianity. Over the years, we've found that investigating these topics (listed below in reading order) offers clear insight into The Gospel with a deeper understanding.
4Us2Us Ministries is primarily concerned with the fact that although all the Bible is FOR us [4Us], it is not all TO us [2Us] or about us. If you think that ...
Over fifty years ago I wrote a “gospel tract” to help people understand what was most important in life. This was simply a little pamphlet that stated the basics of ...
The Bible tells us that those who trust solely in Jesus Christ and His work, namely His death to pay the sin debt for all mankind, burial, and resurrection, can ...
There’s a sense in which the means to salvation has always been the same. Essentially, it has always been by faith in the Lord and what He said at the ...
The word gospel means good news. The good news of the gospel is that God has provided a way for all of us to escape God’s condemnation and His wrath. ...
In the Bible, Hebrews 9:27 says, “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:” Yes, we all must give an account of ourselves ...
It has been said that there is much more about Hell than Heaven in the Bible. Unfortunately, most people do not seem to spend much time thinking about either place. ...
Salvation becomes a permanently settled matter for anyone who has accepted the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ as the sole basis for their salvation. I Corinthians 15:1-4 1 ...
Salvation comes by grace through faith in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ apart from any works on our part. There is not one thing we could ever ...
What is prayer? It is simply the activity of communicating with God. Hebrews 4:15-16 15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our ...
Question: How many sins can a Christian commit and still be a Christian? Don’t Christians sin? Sure they do! They should seek to avoid sin. But isn’t it true that ...
If you speak to someone about salvation by grace through faith ALONE, have you noticed how quickly some people will quote Scripture to you? They seem to relish the idea ...
Even though there’s a lot that can be said about this, so many people are familiar with this one verse of Scripture that seems to clearly answer this question. John ...
What a very important question! It is not surprising that we find that the disciples of Christ asked this same question. Luke 11:1 1 And it came to pass, that, ...
There are those who say that because the Apostle Paul does not speak of or use the terms hell and lake of fire, they must not be an issue or ...
To dispense means to hand out, to pass out, or to distribute. In this case we’re talking about something God dispensed. In the Bible, it represents that which God dispenses ...
There’s much that can be said about marriage, divorce, and remarriage. As always, I’ll try to be brief but thorough as we look at some things the Bible has to ...
If not sooner, the older you get the more you are going to look forward to a new and perfect body. Everyone eventually gets a type of resurrection body; it ...
The apostle Paul wrote about what he called a mystery, certain things that God had kept secret until they were revealed to and through him. Unfortunately, even as important a ...
There are people who think God does this. They believe man’s will is really not a factor and that he is not free to operate contrary to God’s will. They ...
I think that’s a question we all need to ask ourselves often. We find in the Bible that there are two major judgments that are coming up. One is for ...
What are we to think of passages of Scripture like this? Hebrews 12:6-7 6 For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. 7 If ye endure ...
The working of miracles and more of Mark 16 has stumped many believers. What are we to think of this? Are God’s people supposed to be able to do these ...
If when I began my preparation for the ministry someone had told me there was more than one “gospel” presented in the Bible, I would have thought they were crazy. ...
You may have never heard of this, but nearly every pastor has. And whether you know it or not, many pastors have been influenced by the teachings of this man. ...
The apostle Paul speaks of this in his writings. Romans 5:11 11 And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have ...
As soon as this present age ends with the Rapture, our resurrection, a period typically called The Tribulation, will begin. The Rapture is an event for all those who’ve accepted ...
As God’s people we have been given access to Him through prayer. Ephesians 2:18 18 For through him [Jesus Christ] we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father. [Emphasis ...
The Bible tells us that in the original creation of mankind God made male and female. Genesis 1:27 27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of ...
The whole Bible, from Genesis through Revelation, has been provided for our benefit. II Timothy 3:16-17 16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for ...
Many Christians falsely assume that God will somehow protect them from intense suffering. Such is by no means necessarily the case. What God does promise to all of us is ...
The proof of God’s love for all mankind is clearly seen in what God did in Christ at the cross of Calvary. There has never been a greater expression of ...
What does it mean to fast? In this case, we are talking about abstaining from food for “religious” reasons. We know that fasting is something God’s people have done in ...
Question: Do you have a right to defend yourself? Answer: Of course, you do! Question: By what means should you be able to defend yourself? Answer: By whatever means is ...
Some introductory principles: As shocking as this may be to some, unlike what is typically thought of him, Satan is one who wants good things in the world, but independently ...
Some people are quick to say that it’s narrow-minded thinking that says there is only one way to heaven. Is that the truth? What does the Bible tell us about ...
The Bible plainly tells us that God is essentially one in essence. Deuteronomy 6:4 4 Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord: [Emphasis added] Isaiah 44:6 6 Thus ...
To some people that may look like a stupid question because to say that man even has a will is to acknowledge that it is free. Because of all that’s ...
The Bible tells us that those who trust solely in Jesus Christ and His work, namely His death to pay the sin debt for all mankind, burial, and resurrection, can ...
There is proof for the existence of God. However, I have found that if there is a desire for God not to exist, no proof will be sufficient to cause ...
As I heard it put by someone many years ago, the best way to prove what a gun can do is to fire it at something. In a similar way, ...
Your first question may be…what is the best Bible translation or version to study? As I write this in 2021, I believe it is still best to begin one’s study ...
If there is no resurrection, then this Jesus of Nazareth was an imposter. If He, the apostles, and others lied about this, how can they be trusted about anything else? ...
1) I know that the Bible is God’s wisdom, representing the way to a happy and fulfilling life. Hence, I know my life will not be a matter of chance, ...
John 7:17 is the first passage of the Bible that came to my mind when thinking of this question. John 7:17 17 If any man will do his will, he shall ...
The short answer to this question is yes. However, to understand this subject, it is important to distinguish God’s rewards for regenerate Israel vs. His rewards for us today. They ...
It is a common mistake to think that water baptism is the only baptism in the Bible. Every time the word “baptism” is mentioned many people wrongly assume water is ...
The term redeem simply means to buy back. Because man is born a sinner, he is born a slave to sin. In the Bible, the Apostle Paul speaks of himself ...
Definition and Description The Greek word for “church” is EKKLESIA. It means assembly. EKKLESIA is a noun composed of the preposition EK, meaning out of, and KALEO, meaning to call. ...
1. What is temptation? Answer: It is solicitation to sin. 2. Is it possible to resist temptation to sin? Answer: Yes! I Corinthians 10:13 13 There hath no temptation taken you ...
Justification is one of many wonderful blessings God gives someone the moment they accept the death, burial and resurrection of Christ as the sole basis for their salvation [Not church ...
As with all of life, God’s Word is to be our guide. Isaiah 55:8-9 8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the ...
When King David passed the rulership of Israel to his Son, Solomon, he gave him some excellent advice that resulted in him becoming a very wise man. 1 Kings 4:29-32 ...
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