The bottom line to the question is because he could and because he wanted to. There’s nothing in the Mosaic Law or in any other part of the Bible that endorses it. God permitted it like He permits all kinds of things. God created man ...
The bottom line to the question is because he could and because he wanted to. There’s nothing in the Mosaic Law or in any other part of the Bible that endorses it. God permitted it like He permits all kinds of things. God created man ...
Are you aware that there a people who believe EVERYONE without exception WILL end up in Heaven? In times past, and even with many now, this is often called Universalism. You’ll find statements like this on the web defining it—The belief that all people will ...
The simple but correct answer to this is that those who are spoken of as Old Testament prophets didn’t! They knew nothing about it. Even the Twelve Apostles didn’t know about this until they learned about it from the apostle Paul. They of course knew ...
I by no means want to give anyone the impression that I’m a “know it all” about the Bible. I do know well that there’s a lot contained in it that I’ll never know in my lifetime here on Earth. In fact, the more I ...
Have you ever heard the comment…“the Bible is just too hard to understand because of all the contradictions?” It doesn’t take much reading to realize why people say that and feel that way. There have been many who have struggled with this. Yes, on the ...
Most people believe there’s just ONE “gospel” in the Bible. But does that coincide with what is taught there? Most people believe it does. But in thinking about this, let’s look at the very important comment the apostle Paul makes about this— Galatians 2:7 7 But ...
We don’t need to take away any credit that is due to Mary, but we also don’t want to give her credit or an identity she’s not due. What do the Scriptures tell us about this that we all need to know? Matthew 2:1-11 1 ...
There’s nothing in the Bible that tells us she was ever addressed with some of the titles certain religious circles have given her. That includes such titles as “Blessed Mother,” My Lady of Mercy,” “Ever Virgin,” or “Queen of Heaven.” Our Lord simply addressed her ...
The simple but correct answer to this is that those who are spoken of as Old Testament prophets didn’t! They knew nothing about it. Even the Twelve Apostles didn’t know about this until they learned about it from the apostle Paul. They of course knew ...
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